Hi, I’m Benji, your shop assistant, welcome to our FAQs page.

RQA is committed to sustainability, rest, and equitability.

As a result, we produce products in small batches to minimize waste. This means that we only list products as it’s available. We do not want to have a website full of unsold products.

This might mean that your favorite item might be sold out sooner than a big box store. We know this can feel frustrating but rest assured, this is not a marketing strategy to create false demand.


To show appreciation to our customers, we offer flat rate shipping of $7 per order and FREE SHIPPING for all orders over $100 with code “RQA22” for all orders within the US.

We now offer INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING! Shipping costs calculated at checkout.

Please allow 3-5 business days from the order date for order processing. We are committed to our collective rest so slow business is the name of the game. Not super slow, just slow enough to ensure that your needs and ours are met in a restful fashion.

Returns and Exchanges:

As a very small business with limited inventory, we’re unable to offer returns so please read the product descriptions closely to ensure you’re satisfied with your order. Measure twice, cut once kinda deal. All sales are final except the error is RQAs.

Having said that, if you have any issues with your order, please email
support@richqueeraunties.com and we will work with you to help resolve the issue where possible.

We’re not heartless, just new business owners interested in fair trading and sustainability across board.


We endeavor to be size inclusive not as an option but as a standard business practice. At this time, due to limitations of product availability related to COVID and other issues, we are not as size inclusive as we would like to be.

Where ever possible, we have ordered the largest size we could find available at the time. We aim to continuously work on expanding even further.